As you may or may not know, the Webster-Stoppel clan recently bought their first home, and for the most part, we're still madly in love with it. However, as with most new things, there are certain points you wish you'd noticed before purchasing said item--the bath towels that you swore were blue in the store, only to find out that in your bathroom, they're totally gray, or the gap that appears in that super-cute new button-down that gives your co-workers more insight into your "world" than you'd anticipated. I'm having similar feelings about the closet in the master bedroom.
When we first looked at the house, the closet in the master bedroom was a selling point. It's huge; actually, it's two closets, with two doors and two lights and everything. I was so excited that Jon and I weren't going to have to struggle to smash everything into one closet, and more importantly, my dresser wasn't going to be downstairs on a completely different level than my bedroom/bathroom. All good things, right? Fast-forward to December: Said gargantuan closet is located over the garage, and the garage is not heated (nor is it cooled, so expect similar complaints in July), and therefore, the enormous and wonderful closet is transformed into an icebox of meat locker proportions. Seriously, I think I could move some of the stuff from the deep freeze into the closet, and it would keep just fine.
So, I say unto you (and you can imagine me shaking my fists at the sky and shouting the following), it is a crime against nature to be colder when you have put your clothes on than you were before dressing! I yearn for Spring when I will no longer live in dread of choosing something to wear...
Gootloader infection cleaned up
2 years ago