Monday, March 30, 2009

Remember the Cuteness, Part I

Ever since Maddie was a couple months old, I’ve been meaning to put together a list of all the cute, little, quirky things she does that make her her, knowing that she will quickly outgrow them, and I will probably forget them. Like the way she used to interlock her fingers and clasp her hands while nursing or the way she sleeps with her face all smooshed into the mattress and her hands under her forehead, so that when she wakes up, she has finger (and fingernail) prints on her face. Have I created this list? No. Don’t be silly. I don’t have time to make lists. I have TV to watch and other people’s blogs to read and chocolate chips to eat straight out of the bag. I have no time to document my daughter’s more adorable moments for posterity. (See, I didn’t even try to come up with some lame I’m-to-busy-being-a-mother/wife/contributing member of society excuse. I find my candor refreshing; although, I’m sure my mom would call it lazy…)

So, while I was home helping her recover from the croup that would not end (Oh yes, we were back home again on Friday, after a failed attempt at daycare that resulted in the return of the fever, but I swear she’s really better now.), I noticed some new “cute stuff” she’s doing, and I thought I’d share:

1. She shouts at the cats. Actually, it seems more like she’s trying to have a conversation with them, but she’s so excited that it comes out as shouting. This morning, she talked “at” Gwennie for about 2-3 minutes while I was getting dressed. Gwennie, of course, just sits and blinks at her. Zelda, our timid cat, runs away. Although, that may have more to do with that tail-pulling incident than the shouting…

2. She’s very into face-touching, especially noses. She loves to grab at people’s noses and mouths, and she will put her hand on my mouth to have it kissed. She also likes to touch my face while she’s nursing, which I’m sure sounds sweet and has a couple of you going “awwww”, but once you have been smacked and clawed at by a 7-month-old who isn’t even looking at what she’s grabbing you will immediately reassess the cuteness factor and dial it down a few notches. (I also think she’s starting to give kisses because sometimes she will put her open mouth on my cheek for a few seconds without sucking or licking or any of her usual I-must-eat-everything-ness, but I’m not entirely sure, which is why this is in parentheses. It’s like whispering. I’m also parentha-whispering because she only does this to me, not Jon, I think because of the whiskers, so I don’t want him to get jealous. He doesn’t read words in parentheses. Okay not true, but some of you believed me for a second, didn’t you?)

3. While she was sick, I got worried that she’d become dehydrated, so I tried to give her a couple of ounces of water in a bottle. She quickly made it extremely clear that water does not, under any circumstances, belong in a bottle. Bottles are for milk, and if you think water belongs in them, you, my friend, are obviously an idiot. At least, I’m pretty sure that’s what the look meant. Water also does not belong in sippy-cups because sippy-cups are awful and stupid and not to be trusted. Water may be served out of a bottle without the top (so a cup, essentially), but due to the fact that someone has not at all mastered cup-drinking skills, this will most likely result not in anyone consuming more water but in one’s shirt being wet from neck to belly-button. We’re going to work on the drinking skills soon.

4. Maddie’s new favorite noise, perhaps even her new most-favorite-thing-ever, is the raspberry. She blows them constantly, which mostly means that those around her are often covered in a fine mist of baby spittle and sometimes pureed food (see below). Strangely, while she makes the noise all the time, she seems to assign different emotions and moods to it. For instance, she knows people think it’s funny and cute, so she’ll do it when you’re smiling at her or when she wants to be smiled at. However, it’s also become a sign that she’s done nursing or eating. Of course, if she really doesn’t like a particular food, her new trick is the faux-gag. She opens her mouth, showing you all of the offending food, sticks out her tongue, and makes the most horrible gagging sounds. Once she has established that you are, in fact, watching her little display. She will close her mouth, while spitting out all the food she can, and smile at you, very proud of having shared her “opinion.” It’s both completely cute and completely irritating at the same time.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Because this totally looks comfortable...

Seriously, this is how she was sleeping this afternoon. In fact, she's been sleeping like this a lot lately, and I have to tell you, it hurts my neck every time I see it.

Croup update: First of all, is that how you spell croup? I have no idea. Secondly, yes, she's still sick, but she's doing much better today. She slept through the night last night, so she's had a lot more energy today (as compared to yesterday when she just laid around, wanting to be held), and her breathing isn't raspy and audible from 15 feet away.

Right now, she's chilling out in her swing, talking to the owls on the mobile that hangs over it, so that I, the responsible new-millennium parent that I am, can post this picture and get blog-mileage out of her illness instead of giving my sick daughter more TLC. I wonder what her therapist will have to say about this when she reads it in 20 years...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Holy Croup!

Well Maddie officially came down with her first cold. Over the night Ms. Maddie started running a fever and had really raspy breathing. Being the worry wart that I am I convinced Alaina to sleep in Maddie's room with me to keep an eye and ear out for her. She slept alright without much labored breathing. So first thing this morning we got her an appointment with our Pediatrician. Good news is she doesn't have RSV which can be a severe respiratory infection in someone Maddie's age. She has the CROUP. So we now have a nebulizer and are treating Maddie prophylactically with antibiotics. She is still acting the same which makes it a lot easier for Alaina and I. Hopefully after a few days of this I will continue to be the only respiratory challenged individual.

Maddie with Mr. Bubbles

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fun with Pa and Nana

Over the weekend Alaina and I attended the NCAA Tournament games here in Kansas City. We were able to watch some great games and teams such as Memphis and Oklahoma. While we attended the games "Pa and Nana" came to Olathe to babysit the Madster. Here are some pictures of their funtimes without the parents!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Seeing Red...

Over the weekend we almost finished our 'remodel' of our dining room. With the help of Diana Webster (Alaina's mother) and her curtain sewing expertise as well as a fresh coat of "Awning Red" we have a new dining room! The finishing touch to the dining room will be a new ceiling light that will be installed soon.



Also get a nice close look at what's for dinner, an Ina Garten orginal. It is homemade chicken pot pie in 14oz ramekins, topped with my made from scratch pastry. Most people might say I am kind of shy when it comes to self-accolades, but this was AWESOME if I do say so myself!

No Pictures Please!

Maddie's sudden fame from her 6-month photo session has left her camera shy and her retina's washed out. She was only able to cover up an eye before our action photographer grabbed this candid photo of our favorite chunky infant!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An Ode to Sushi

Oh sushi, how I miss thee!
Mine longing knows no bounds.
I wish to dip into the soy your ricey, fishey rounds.

I long to taste the seaweed
And the green wasabi hot,
But alas, whilst still I breastfeed, the pleasure have I not.

Yes, while I nurse and nurture
The child of mine own womb,
With grinders and with goat cheese, you must make your tomb.

Yet, fear not, yellow-fina tuna roll!
Take heart, sashimi mounds!
For once the weaning doth commence, our love once more abounds.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Full Six-Month Photo Session

All the proofs from Maddie's six-month photo session are now available at on the Solar's website. If you follow the link, it will take you straight to the sign-in page for proofs. The password is "maddie." Hope you like them!