So, the Madster turned two, and like the good (and consumer-pressured) parents we are, we threw her a little party. While it may not have looked like it, we did scale back from last year, mostly in terms of food served. No full dinner this year, just cake, cupcakes, fruit, veggies and hummus, and popsicles. (When I asked Maddie what kind of cake she wanted for her birthday, she told me "Spiderman!", but when I clarified and asked her what
flavor she wanted, what it should taste like, she told me "Popsicle!" So, Miss Thing got popsicles instead of ice cream with her cake.)
The day of, we decorated the kitchen and backyard with balloons, dragged out the sprinkler pool, sidewalk chalk, and bubbles, invited family and all of our friend who have kids over, and hoped for the best. Honestly, I think it went pretty well. People showed up (which is always my biggest fear with parties, that no one will come), the kiddos played, food was eaten, the presents were opened (and dear lord, our daughter is spoiled/loved), and everyone went home.
We decided to do a Green Eggs and Ham-themed bash this year, in honor of Maddie's current favorite Dr. Seuss book (and also because I stumbled upon a whole cache of Dr. Seuss stuff in Target's amazing and addictive dollar bins), so I dusted off my limited baking skills and made a selection of yellow and chocolate cupcakes that, when iced, somewhat resembled "green eggs." Jon, whose baking skills are considerably better than my own, whipped up a "green ham" cake. (See below.) Um, yeah, he's pretty amazing.
I've included a picture of Jon's awesome cake and one picture from the party, but feel free to click
here to check out more photos on Facebook. (As usual, all photos, except the cake, are by my estimable father-in-law, Larry Stoppel.)