There may be a running argument in our household whether not "da da" is the first word. Bet you can't guess which side I am on.
Gootloader infection cleaned up
2 years ago
There may be a running argument in our household whether not "da da" is the first word. Bet you can't guess which side I am on.
There is NO doubt that Maddie is saying Dad-Da. I would declare this her first word. I am sure it will be followed closely by Pa-Pa.
The cutest thing I have seen her do yet!! It sounds like Dad=Da to me. Nana is next after Ma.
It should be noted that while she is in fact saying "Da", "Da-Da", and "Daad", she also looking straight at the TV in this video. Words must have CONTEXT, people, or they're just sounds. If sounds are words, then her first word was "Bob."
Actually it was more like 'Bab' It's obvious that she was thanking me for purchasing the TV, by cheering DAD DAD DA DA DAAAD!
She was calling Dad DaDa Daad to come and watch TV with her, or maybe she needed her diaper changed and wanted him to do it. She could have also wanted a good laugh and was calling Da.
She also looks exceptionally cute in her pink shirt.
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