Friday, February 26, 2010

Now We're All Sacred

Following long-standing Western, religious tradition (sort of), we had Maddie baptized last Sunday. I say sort of because, as a supremely helpful sales-person at Macy's pointed out to us, most parents who consecrate their children do so when they're very small, but Jon and I hadn't found a church we liked when she was born, and blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, my feelings that it's-no-body's-business-when-we-get-our-child-baptized-especially-if-you-happen-to-sell-dresses-at-Macy's aside, we finally found a time when all of her grandparents, god-parents, aunts and uncle could be there, and we set it up with the Pastor. Unfortunately for us, this completely nasty weather that's been dogging Kansas all winter (although, only on the weekends, seemingly), decided to load us all up with lots of snow and ice the night before, so my parents and my dad's parents weren't able to attend, and Maddie's godmother (Hi, Kendra!) arrived about ten minutes after the ceremony. (She was able to have the pastor do an impromptu service in the sanctuary doorway as we left, so no worries. It's all official.) That aside, things went pretty smoothly, and we followed up the service with a brunch at her uncle/godfather's house. (Chris, I will apologize again for Jon. I'm sorry he didn't tell you you'd need to stand up in front of everyone with us. It was very remiss of him.)

Below are some pictures that Maddie's 'Pa' (Larry Stoppel) snapped the day of. Thanks to everyone who came and helped make it a special day (and thanks also to those of you who wished you could be there. We understand.) (Also, please ignore my rather flip tone concerning all of this. I know it's a serious and important event; I really do. It's that I'm, well, flip. It's what I do. --A)

During the ceremony. I'm not really nervous about the service. Don't ask me why I look like that...

The parade around the church. The pastor is supposed to carry her, but she wasn't having any of that.

Maddie being admired in the kitchen.

Aunt Christa, doing her best to stain Maddie's nice white dress with purple grapes.

Maddie and Daddy opening a few baptism gifts.

Um, I only included this picture because we all look so attractive, but Kendra and Erica can't hate me because I'm in it, too.

Oh, I'm soooooo tired from all this baptismal stuff. Being good in church sure does take it out of you...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was an important event in Maddie's life, don't let narrow minded people diminish it. We were proud to be there. Pa