Time: Friday evening
Place: the kitchen table
Jon: Maddie, are you pooping?
Maddie: (red in the face, eyes watering, grunting) No.
Jon: Maddie, you're pooping! Are you pooping?
Maddie: (still the same, but possibly louder grunting) No.
Jon: Maddie-
Maddie: Bye-bye, Daddy.
Me: Maddie, what are you doing? Are you pooping?
Maddie: Bye-bye, Mommy.
Time: Saturday afternoon
Place: the kitchen table
Me: Maddie, you need to eat more chicken.
Maddie: (very seriously and with a slight nod) A bee-ana.
Me: We're not having bananas for lunch. You need to eat more chicken.
Maddie: A bee-ana.
Me: No bananas. We don't even have any bananas. Are you all out of milk? Do you want some water?
Maddie: A bee-ana. (Still completely serious)
Me: There are no bananas. You need to eat more chicken, or you're done with lunch.
Maddie: A bee-ana.
Time: Sunday evening
Place: Living room (during the Bracket unveiling, which is the only reason she was allowed to eat in the living room)
Me: Maddie, are you going to eat more of your pizza?
Maddie: No. Ah dun.
Me: Do you want some more broccoli?
Maddie: Yeah!
Time: Monday afternoon
Place: Kitchen
Maddie: A walk.
Me: No, it's too windy to go for a walk.
Maddie: A walk! (Pushing her trike-stroller into the kitchen)
Me: Sorry, baby, but we can't go on a walk today. You can walk out to get the mail with me, if you want.
Maddie: A walk!
Me: Sweetie, no. No walk.
Maddie: Tah-git*?
That's my girl...
*Tah-git = Target
Gootloader infection cleaned up
2 years ago
Nana's little girl is a shopper! YES!
YES! Love it. So happy it was Target and not that other big-box store. Very proud, Maddie!
YES! Love it. So happy it was Target and not that other big-box store. Very proud, Maddie!
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