Wednesday, June 9, 2010

M Is for Meltdown

So, to start with, Maddie has developed a deep, profound, and unshakable love for the pool. She alternately calls it a "poooo" or a "baf wif kids", but it's the same. She lurvs the pool, and she will smite anyone who stands between her and her watery soul mate, in so far as toddlers are capable of smiting.

To fuel her obsession, we drive by not one, not two, but three separate pools on the way to and from daycare, and each time we pass one, a small, squeaky voice in the backseat pipes up, "I go poooo. I go baf wif kids! I go poooo a liddle bit. I go pooo latuw." Every day it's the same thing, and every day we say maybe. Maybe later, maybe after dinner, maybe tomorrow. It's always maybe because while we're still newbie-parents, we're not completely amateurs. We know that a promise to a toddler is like a trained tiger--it seems harmless, but you turn your back on it, and it'll bite you in the ass. Seriously...

Anyway, this evening, we actually did go to the pool, no maybes. We went to the pool, and she played in the kiddie pool, and she jumped off the steps, and she tried to touch other kids toys while splashing them. And, when it was time to leave, even though she had been given several "after this we're going, in two minutes we're going, it's time to go now" warnings, she pitched a nutty.

In her defense, it was a Grade A nutty, complete with real tears, gut-wrenching screaming, and a red scrunchy face. When we got in the car, it got worse. When we tried to get her into her bath, it got even worse, and when she refused to lie down to have her hair washed and we were forced to pour water over her head, it reached biblical flood proportions. After that, she was pretty much inconsolable unless Jon was pretending to cry, too, at which point, she laughed in a crying, hiccuping sort of way until lapsing into tears again. She cried through her diaper change, she cried through her lotion application, and she cried while we forced her into her pajamas. Oh, and she also pee'd on the floor twice, but that's not really related, just slightly gross.

Finally, we read The Sleepy Little Alphabet twice, and then we were suckered into reading Goodnight Moon once as well. After that, she was fine. She gave hugs and kisses, she repeated prompted "I love you"s, and she went to sleep with two stuffed animals over her face, leaving her parents to contemplate many more nights of the same.

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