Okay, so here's what really happened. Our daycare provider's son, who--in his defense--is two, was playing with a toy and put said toy on the ground near Maddie. Maddie picked the toy up, but it would seem that Spencer had not, in fact, finished playing with this toy, and as recompense for touching his precious possession, he pushed Maddie. In the process of pushing her, he scratched her face.
Laura (our daycare provider and Spencer's mother) said Maddie was pretty upset and cried for a little bit, but she's fine now. Spencer apologized to me that evening; although, I'm not entirely sure he really knows what he did. Like I said, he's two.
Luckily for all of you, dear readers, these pictures of her battle scars also allow you your first glimpse of her bottom tooth. She's probably had this one for about a month, but we didn't want to post anything about it until we got a good picture, and not surprisingly, when you want a baby to open her mouth, she chooses not to comply. She's got two top teeth now as well, which you can see in the picture below (And, yes, I know she will hate me for the following picture when she's older):
She's also working on the two top teeth to either side of the ones currently poking their little, white heads out, and we've got to assume the one next to her bottom one will shortly join its brother. (Teeth are male, apparently...) And, in case you were wondering, teething has not been a barrel of laughs. We spent most of last weekend with a fussy, cranky baby who ran a low-grade fever. Fun times...
Be sure to catch Maddie's next title fight sometime between 7:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. tomorrow!
When are you enrolling her in self-defense classes? Either that or Nana will teach her how to defend herself.
Does that involve the "Afghan over the head" move employed every year during basketball season?
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