Friday, June 19, 2009

The Long Haul

WARNING: This post contains high levels of emotion not normally displayed publicly (or, in most cases, privately) by the writer. Prolonged exposure to this entry may result in extreme yearnings for cheese, mild nausea, or in extreme cases, vomiting.

Today, in about six hours to be exact, Jon and I will have been married for five years. I know to some of you, like our parents and grandparents, this may not seem that long, and I'm sure in twenty years or so, we'll extend the "honeymoon" phase to cover the five-year mark, but from right here, it seems like a long time.

Except that it doesn't. It doesn't seem like we've been married for five years. It doesn't even really feel like three or four. Two, yes. Maybe two and a half. But FIVE? Nope. Not us.

It's not that I didn't think we'd make it to our fifth anniversary. I had no doubt that we'd get here, just like I have no doubt we'll make it to 20 and 30, but so much has happened in the past five years that it seems like the longest and shortest time imaginable, all at the same time.

In honor of the five years, I'd like to share five things I love about being married to Jon:

1. He's a HUGE dork. No, seriously, HUGE. There are those of you who might think you know how supremely ridiculous he can be, but believe me, you have no idea. He does the stupidest, silliest things, and while I would never admit this to him in person, I love this about him.

2. He puts up with me. I don't know if you know this, but I'm a big ball of crazy. I mean, BIG. I'm crazy like Jon's dorky. It's bad, but Jon deals with it gracefully, and he usually doesn't complain too much when I wipe down the counters after he's just cleaned them or make him choose a place to eat, because I don't feel like deciding, and then veto every single option he offers.

3. He helped me create the most beautiful baby on the whole planet. He's as dorky and patient with her as he is with me, and he makes me a better mother by being such a fantastic father. To him, Maddie will always be completely, 100% perfect, whether she's grinning at him from her crib first thing in the morning or beating the crap out of the cat for the eighth time that day.

4. He's unashamed of his obsessions. You can't really talk Jon out of loving anything, once he's committed. Stars Wars? Always and forever awesome. Rocky? Best man movie ever. The University of Kansas? One of the most sacred places known to humankind. His blankie? Irreplaceable and completely necessary (for propping up his head, of course). His obsessions often drive me nuts, but I appreciate the intensity with which he dedicates himself to things, especially knowing that Maddie and I are pretty high on the list.

5. So many little things. He says DOC-u-men-tary instead of doc-u-MEN-tary like the rest of us. He loves to bake, which is nice because I love to eat baked goods. He's a cat person. He likes Top Chef as much as I do. He wears socks to bed. He loves to try new things. (Have you eaten geoduck? Jon has.)

Happy Anniversary, Jon! I love you, and I'm looking forward to getting old and wrinkly and saggy and toothless and senile with you.

Jon and I in Boston at a Red Soxs game, Summer 2007


jhawkmommy said...

So sweet!

guardian angel said...

Yea and Amen, Kid! It's traits like his and yours that make a marriage work and last. Bravo to you for admitting all this in public. May Jon take all you said seriously and keep being himself forever. By the way, I have an idea he feels the same about you in just as many crazy ways.
Happy Anniversary!

Josh said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVED reading this post! Josh and I have been married six years and I also feel like it hasn't been that long while simultaneously feeling like we've been married forever.