Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Holy Croup!

Well Maddie officially came down with her first cold. Over the night Ms. Maddie started running a fever and had really raspy breathing. Being the worry wart that I am I convinced Alaina to sleep in Maddie's room with me to keep an eye and ear out for her. She slept alright without much labored breathing. So first thing this morning we got her an appointment with our Pediatrician. Good news is she doesn't have RSV which can be a severe respiratory infection in someone Maddie's age. She has the CROUP. So we now have a nebulizer and are treating Maddie prophylactically with antibiotics. She is still acting the same which makes it a lot easier for Alaina and I. Hopefully after a few days of this I will continue to be the only respiratory challenged individual.

Maddie with Mr. Bubbles


jhawkmommy said...

My poor baby! Give her a hug from Nana. Mr. Bubbles would be cute if it wasn't on a sick baby.

LDS said...

Get better soon, Maddie! Love, Pa

Anonymous said...

Poor thing....let us know if you need anything. We'll have to get together again once she is feeling better.